EN: Rosalita Mcgee another brand that for years I love ...
EN: I am a long time "friend" on Rosalita Mcgee facebook and sigh by many of his articles. Two or three years ago, I was delighted with one of his sailor-type dresses (pictured above), but at the time there wasn't online store, so it took me long locate one near shop and combining to go, so I spent opportunity to buy this dress. A few weeks later, one of my older cousins looked it at a village fair ... Then I knew that the next time I liked so much one of its designs, I would move faster and I will have it. Well, this year, all my relatives were more than chastened about this brand, and a few weeks ago, I knew that someone had placed a Rosalita Mcgee order for my birthday. Dresses, shirts, overalls, a bag ...Incredible! My birthday is still long in coming, but they let me sweet them just in case I do not serve the size and they had to change something. So I cased these wonders even if only briefly. Soon I will put them on and wear them at my leisure.
SP: Pues bien, este post no es sólo para comentaros lo que me regalarán dentro de unos meses sino porque quiero acercaros esta marca y sus posibilidades. Tanto para los que no la conocen como para los que sí... Esta marca esta llena de colores y brilla principalmente por sus vestidos. Confecciona vestidos, camisetas, bolsos, calzado, pashminas, paraguas, carteras, pantalones, faldas, monos..., tanto para mujeres como para niñas, así que para esas mamis que os gusta tener alguna prenda como la de vuestra nena para ir a la calle, haceros una sesión de fotos o sentiros más unidas... ¡Esta es la vuestra! Si ves uno de sus vestidos inmediatamente sabrás que es de Rosalita Mcgee si tiene muchos colores, estampados y dibujos de flores, personajes circenses o de la calle, combinación de estampados y un claro corte femenino-infantil. Mangas abullonadas, flecos, volantes... Con un pequeño toque patchwork y listo! Tarán!!! Ahí lo tienes! Magia! Ahora no sólo tenemos la suerte de poder comprar ropa de esta marca en tiendas cercanas, sino también online. Y por si fuera poco... tienen un apartado outlet con prendas muy rebajadas y si aún les queda algún artículo, prendas de la temporada anterior con pequeñas rebajas. Una gozada!
Rosalita Mcgee at http://dragonflyglows.blogspot.com.es/EN: Well, this post is not just to mention what I will recieve in a few months, but because I want to get close this brand and its possibilities. Both for those who don't know as to those who do... This brand is full of color and shine primarily by its dresses. It makes dresses, shirts, bags, shoes, pashminas, umbrellas, purses, pants, skirts, overalls ... for both women and girls, so for those moms who like to have a garment you like your baby girl to go to street, make you a photo shoot or for feeling more together each other...This is yours! If you see one of her dresses that is immediately know it is a Rosalita Mcgee dress. They have many colors, prints and drawings of flowers, circus performers or street people, mix of prints and a clear-cut female child. Puffed sleeves, fringe, ruffles ... With a small patchwork touch and go! Taran! There you go! Magic! Now we not only have the good fortune to buy clothes of this brand in nearby stores, but also online. And last but not least ...It has an outlet section with clothes very recessed and if they still have any items, clothes of last season with small cuts. A blast!
Rosalita Mcgee at http://dragonflyglows.blogspot.com.es/
Felices compras!! //Happy shopping!!
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